Tuesday, March 18, 2008


So ive been hearing about Target carrying all these new goodies and checking mine like every few days lol...I gave up after yesterday and thougt to myself HELLO? Why havent you checked the other Target on the other side of town. So i went today and it was pretty picked over. They had the MM Garden Party but i already had some of that. I did score some really great clearance "junk" though. I got all this for under 20 bucks! The MM jars were less than 3 bucks!So were the paper packs... I was amazed.



lacintha said...

Oohhh..what a haul!
Sadly, no Target here in Canad..although if we had one, we'd be financially ruined for sure!

Anonymous said...

I really wish my target carried more! nice selection!

Amy W. said...

ohmyyyyy, FAB score on the jars!!!! looks like a great "junk" stash you picked up! :)